- The Musa’adah Revolving Credit-i is designed to finance the working capital needs of business customers such as corporate and commercial companies.
- This financing is offered with a ‘revolving’ feature that allows business customers to use the funds as working capital when needed (subject to the available financing limit).
- The company owner must be aged 21 and above, subject to a maximum age limit of 60.
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Private Limited Company (Sdn. Bhd.), Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship must be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) or Local Authorities (PBT).
- The business must adhere to Shariah guidelines.
- The proponent(s) must be actively involved in the full-time management and operations of the company.
- The business and its owner(s) must be free from any financial institution’s blacklist.
- The business must have financial capability and advanced operational ability, with a minimum current business financial record of at least 1 year.
Financing Concept
- Islamic Financing Scheme (Tawarruq Concept)
Financing Size
- RM10,000 up to RM500,000
Profit Rate
- Base Financing Rate (BFR) + Spread (3.94% p.a – 5.94% p.a)
- Not exceeding 12% per annum
Financing Tenure
- 1 month up to 5 years
- Minimum RM10,000 or 10% of the approved financing amount (whichever is lower)
Minimum Drawdown Requirement
- Processing Fee – 0.5% of the financing amount
- Legal Fees and stamp duty – estimated at 3.0% of the amount
- Financing subject to variations and amendments
- Training Fee: RM300
- Wakalah Fee: RM50
- Takaful Protection (Life and Credit)
- Restructuring Fee – 3.00%
- Early Settlement Fee – RM50